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The Islamabad High Court (IHC) requested the expulsion of extraordinary colleague to the head Syed Zulfiqar Abbas Bukhari's name from the Exit Control List (ECL). 

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Zulfi Bukhari, as he is prominently known, is a dear companion and associate of Prime Minister Imran Khan and was named as the extraordinary aide to PM for abroad Pakistanis and human asset advancement. 

A two-part seat of the IHC, involving Justice Amir Farooq and Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kiyani, declared the decision on Wednesday. 

Bukhari's name was before set on the ECL on the demand of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB). 

Decision held on supplication looking for expulsion of Zulfi Bukhari's name from ECL 

Prior, the court had saved the decision after NAB investigator Imran Shafiq submitted records in the court after a test was propelled against Bukhari. 

Equity Kiyani had commented that it appears as though the PM's consultant has not given any subtleties to NAB. 

The IHC judge had additionally asked whether the counter unite guard dog did not have any desire to keep Bukhari's name on the ECL list. 

The NAB examiner had educated told the court this isn't the situation, as they had requested his name to be expelled once previously. 

The seat had likewise said that Bukhari can request his name's expulsion, with an official choice as yet resting with the Interior Ministry.
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